Woodstock Elementary School
4th Grade Supply List 2022-2023
1 Backpack of choice (No Rollers)
1 pair inexpensive earbuds (no headphones)
1 Pencil/Crayon Bag (cloth with clear font)
1 Pack mechanical pencils- replenish as needed
1 Pack of Crayola crayons (24 count- regular size)
1 Pack Washable Crayola Classic Markers
1 Black Expo marker (student use)
2 Yellow Highlighters (student use)
1 Jumbo Glue Stick
1 pair Fiskar Scissors (POINTED tip)
1 Two Pocket Folder ( no clasp/prongs)
1 Composition Notebook (no spirals)
2 Pkg. Wide-Ruled loose leaf paper – replenish as needed
1 One Inch Binder
1 Clip Board
1 Ruler (inches and centimeters)
2 rolls Paper Towels
2 boxes of Kleenex
2 Clorox Wipes (if available)
Please label your child’s jackets/sweaters/coats to help us reunite lost items of clothing.
A $20.00 Room Donation is requested to be used for: Classroom supplies, Incentives, and other Instructional Supplies